Maximizing Academic Success: A TurtlEd Case Study on High Dosage Tutoring with IEM
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Learn The TurtlEd Way
Why We Are Different
Each Experience is Personalized.
In order to make sure that each student's learning experience is the perfect fit, we utilize iReady, NWEA, and other pre-assessment tools to tailor each child's learning plan to their needs.
Our Teachers are Specialized.
Our teachers have experience both online and in the school system. Their diverse skillsets include specializations such as English Language Learners (ELL) and Special Education, to ensure that no child is left out in the learning process.
We are Passionate About Teaching.
Most importantly, we have truly passionate educators. They work at TurtlEd because they love teaching and want to teach beyond their classroom. Only the top 1% of teacher applicants are accepted!
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